11 November 2020: Athlete representatives from 14 countries join forces with 14 leading Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs) to collectively call on meaningful reform at the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). As individual organisations, we have repeatedly submitted formal proposals for change. Now we speak collectively to elevate our call for more independence, transparency, and accountability at WADA.
We reaffirm the need to strengthen human rights and eliminate conflicts of interest in the anti-doping system. WADA’s major stakeholders have united to call yet again for substantive change and meaningful reform at WADA.
Athletes bear the brunt all of the anti-doping testing, and National Anti-Doping Organisations carry out a majority of it, yet neither are properly represented in WADA’s governance, nor the review of it. While WADA says its priority is in engaging and empowering athletes, the agency still does not give them the place they deserve.
We all will benefit from a stronger and more effective WADA that builds trust with athletes and effectively carries out its mission.
WADA’s standing can only be improved through meaningful reforms that embrace both independent athlete representatives and NADOs as essential components of global anti-doping governance.
This Media Statement is released by the following Athlete Groups and National Anti-Doping Leaders.
Athlete Groups: Canada (Athletes CAN), Athletics Association, Austria, Australia (Sports Integrity Australia Athlete Advisory Group), Denmark (NOC Athlete Committee), France (AFLD Athlete Committee), Athleten Deutschland, Global Athlete, Ireland (NOC Athlete Committee), Netherlands (NOC Athlete Committee), Norway (NOC Athlete Committee), UK (British Athletes Commission), UK (UKAD Athletes Commission) and USA (United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee Athletes Advisory Council).
National Anti-Doping Organisations: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, UK and USA.
The Athletics Association is an independent group representing the interests of Track and Field athletes all over the world. For more information please visit our website: